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Young people who neither work nor study

In Sweden, there are about 150,000 young people who neither work nor study.  Behind the numbers, there are young people with different circumstances and needs. The municipalities have the main responsibility for these young people.

Support to municipalities and regions

The Swedish Agency for youth and civil society, MUCF, has the government's mandate to support municipalities and regions in their work with young people who neither work nor study (neet). The aim is to create efficient and coordinated methods for guiding young people to study or work. The assignment to MUCF is a central part of the government's current youth strategy, where the goal is that all young people should have good living conditions, power to shape their lives and influence over societal development.


MUCF is commissioned by the government to investigate the situation of young people who neither work nor study, and to produce tools for professional groups working with these young people. The report Long-term exclusions describes different groups of young people who are at risk of long-term inoccupation by using longitudinal register data. The analysis also shows how different background factors affect the probability of ending up in neet situation.

Over the years, MUCF has conducted several studies on young people’s inclusion in society and in labour market. All reports can be downloaded for free but are only available in Swedish.


MUCF collects and disseminates statistics on young people who neither work nor study. The data is presented in Swedish for free use. The database is based on register data for the entire youth population aged 16–29. The search options include gender, age group, foreign/Swedish background, place of residence (municipality/region/the entire country), disability and even other individual characteristics. Currently, the statistics range from 2007 to 2020.